Harbinger // Book Tour Review


Title: Harbinger (Dragonrider Legacy #2)
Author: Nicole Conway
Genre: Fantasy, Young Adult
Publisher: Month9Books, LLC
No. of pages: 374
Formats: Hardcover, Paperback, eBook
Publication Date: August 18, 2018
Date Read: August 24, 2018
Stars: 4/5

Find it: Goodreads, Amazon, B&N, iBooks, TBD


harbinger-ebookVictory is written in the blood of the brave.
As the armies of the Tibran Empire continue to march across Maldobar, a path of scorched destruction and despair is left in their wake. Even with the formidable princess, Jenna Farrow, leading the charge, the strength of the dragonriders is waning. Tibran victory appears inevitable–especially after Princess Jenna and Prince Aubren are taken hostage by the infamous Lord Argonox. Separated from her brother and tortured for information, Princess Jenna refuses to bend to the iron will of Argonox. But her strength and resolve may only last so long. Held prisoner in his dark tower, it would take a miracle to set her free–or perhaps a pair of demigods and their dragons.
With revived dragonrider legend, Jaevid Broadfeather, at his side, Reigh must now make a choice: face the truth about the origin of his dark powers,or turn his back on world in need. But throwing off a lifetime of shame and self-doubt is not so easily done–especially when the cost of failure means the destruction of the world. The long-awaited hero has awakened. The ancient spirits are stirring. The dark goddess has chosen her champion. But is he ready to embrace that rite and become the Harbinger Maldobar needs him to be?


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Thanks to Rockstar Book Tours and Month9Books for an e-book to be part of this amazing tour!

When I first got the email regarding this book, I was super intrigued. I haven’t read too many books that focus on dragons, and the synopsis sounded REAL good. Y’all. I was NOT disappointed.

This book is the second of a series, but it definitely wasn’t a problem for me catching up to what had previously happened as Conway fills spaces in extremely well. This book picks up where I assume the first ended. The Princess of Maldobar, Jenna, is preparing for another attack from the Tibran forces that just destroyed/were destroyed at Barrowton. Jenna is a dragonrider, one who was picked by a dragon to ride them into battle. As the Tibrans come back in full force, Jenna tries to hold them off to save the townspeople and in the midst, gets captured and taken to the head of the Tibran forces, who also holds her brother, Aubren. Off in another part of the country, Reigh, who actually accidentally destroyed Maldobarian/Tibran forces at Barrowton, has also accidentally awakened a demigod, Jaevid, who was thought to be the savior the people were looking for. As time crunches down, Reigh learns more about himself than he wanted, Jaevid tries to be what everyone wants him to be, Jenna is trying to survive, and Aubren becomes something unrecognizable.

From beginning to end, this book never stops in action. There is always something happening. I, personally, loved this. I was engaged the entire time. There was so much happening, but at the same times, each part was focused on what was happening in the moment. Conway’s writing is addictive. You constantly want more. She creates this story in a way that you hate when it ends. I’m thoroughly enchanted and I want more.

Within this book, you really only get two main views as the story is told in part 1 and 3 in Jenna’s POV, and in part 2 through Reigh’s POV. But through these views, everything seems to come together. They introduce you to different characters, all fighting the same war. You fall in love with so many of the secondary characters. My personal favorites were Enyo and Phillip. Granted, they both become a love interest for the main characters, they are strong-willed and super loyal to their respective partner. Enyo is another medic at the clinic that Reigh was apprenticing at under his adopted father/brother. Enyo is strong-willed and Reigh’s voice of reason. She’s resilient and genuinely worries for Reigh’s safety due to the fact that he can’t control this dark power inside of him. Phillip is the Duke of Maldobar. He has a genuine care for his people and does everything to try and keep them safe. He also is absolutely in love with Jenna. He mentions it to her several times and finally gets her to understand he’s serious just as he falls unconscious and is separated from her. Phillip is actually my all-time favorite character because a) he deserved so much better than what was written for him, b) because his teasing Jenna of stupid thing and flirt fails are genuine and super cute, and c) he’s super loyal and protective.

I absolutely LOVED this book. It was fast-paced, had lots of action, the storyline was amazing, and it was an all-around great book. I couldn’t put it down. If you’re a fan of As She Ignites by Jodi Meadows, you’ll definitely want to check this book/series out. I’ll definitely be picking up the rest of this series as it releases.


NicoleConwayPhoto-300x204My name is Nicole Conway and I love to write stories! I’ve been writing books since I was very young, and am blessed beyond measure to be able to do it now as a full time career. Although I sometimes step out into other genres, I primarily write Fantasy for teens and middle graders.

I graduated from Auburn University in 2012, which is also where I met my husband. As a military family, we move frequently and have lived numerous places all around the world. We have one very energetic son, Ethan. We also have two dogs (French Brittanys) named Joey (currently 5 months old) and Phoebe (4 years old) and a ball python named Noodle Nagini.

For inquiries on how to book me for a school visit, presentation, or interest in my future or current projects, please contact my amazing literary agent, Fran Black, of Literary Counsel.

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Tour Schedule:

Week One:
8/27 – 
Just Another Bookaholic – Spotlight
8/27Two Chicks on BooksExcerpt

8/28Novel Novice – Excerpt
8/28Patriotic Bookaholic – Spotlight

8/29Adventures and Reading – Review
8/29Jaime’s World – Spotlight

8/30Pacific Northwest Bookworm – Review
8/30The Bewitched Reader – Interview

8/31The Crafty Book Nerd – Review

Week Two:
9/3Read and Recipes – Review
9/3All the Ups and Downs – Excerpt

9/4A Bookish Dream – Review
9/4BookHounds YA – Interview

9/5For the Love of KidLit – Interview

9/6Rhythmicbooktrovert – Review
9/6Two Points of Interest – Excerpt

9/7Finding Magic in Books – Excerpt
9/7Patriotic Bookaholic – Spotlight

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